Skin Rejuvenation with Exosome

What is an exosome?

Exosomes are very small, membrane-enclosed microscopic vesicles that are released outside cells. They play an important role in intercellular communication. They carry biomolecules such as proteins, lipids, DNA and RNA produced by cells. These vesicles are involved in many biological processes such as regulation of immunity, cellular differentiation and regulation. Exosomes are also used as biomarkers in medicine. Exosomes play a promising role thanks to their potential to support many treatments with drug transport systems. In this article, I will answer the question ‘How is skin rejuvenation done with exosomes?’.

In the future, it is possible that some cancer drugs may reach the target organ directly with these markers and prevent additional side effects. In this respect, we will also see exosomes in potential body-friendly therapies. Exosomes, which came to the agenda as a human-to-human skin vaccine about ten years ago, were especially of placenta or foreskin origin. For this reason, they were not considered legal in some countries, especially in the USA and the UK. Later, animal-to-human forms were produced and thanks to nanotechnology, it started to be included in many creams.

How is skin rejuvenation done with exosome?

The treatment in the form of injecting vitamins, minerals, amino acids required for cells to produce collagen into the skin is called ‘mesotherapy’. This treatment has been accepted among the basic treatments for more than 50 years. However, it is not enough to give only these substances for the cells that produce the fibres that keep our skin taut, which we call fibroblasts. For this reason, various device applications are performed together with mesotherapy. Skin cells are deliberately traumatised in a controlled manner. In order to repair this trauma, various vitamins, growth factors, PRP amino acids and hyaluronic acids are injected and skin rejuvenation is aimed.

The simplest substance that we can obtain growth factors under clinical conditions is our own plasma and we can apply simultaneously in many needle radio frequency treatments. However, vesicles with a higher amount of growth factor signal the cells to produce. Thanks to these vesicles, skin cells can produce much more efficiently. These vesicles, which are produced by all of our cells and act as signal carriers, are called ‘exosomes’ (exosome).

In recent years, the type of exosomes, which also have herbal forms, containing the highest amount of growth factors in terms of growth factors is the one obtained from bovine colostrum, i.e. first milk. Especially the fact that it is obtained from the first milk form has ensured that it has a rich content. Billions of exosomes with high levels of growth factors, amino acids, vitamins and coenzymes are injected into the dermis layer of the skin. Thus, the skin nutrition capacity of mesotherapy increases approximately 8 times with exosome skin treatment.

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