Dermatological Examination

Skin doctors are the people who choose the dermatology branch in the exam that all doctors take to become a specialist after graduating from the Faculty of Medicine and specialize in this subject for 4 to 5 years. Protecting the health of the skin, which is an important part of human health, diagnosing and treating diseases is the job of doctors who know everything from microscopy to macroscopy of this large organ.

Dermatologists consider the skin as a whole in relation to other organs of the body.

Is the skin pale, red, dry, oily, pimply, sensitive, allergic, dry but pimply, affected by sunlight, moist, wrinkled, with capillaries, moles, sun spots (lentigo), melasma (regional spots), all of these factors are evaluated by looking at all of these factors. Skin rejuvenation and other procedures performed without taking these questions into consideration can lead to problems that are difficult to return.
Many conditions such as our diet, genetic heritage, lifestyle and mood directly affect our skin.

It is very important to appreciate the perfect relationship between our skin, other organs, circulatory system, hair and nails; my philosophy is to take these extraordinary interactions into account when treating my clients and patients.

Skin Treatments

Body Treatments

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