
As a young child, I wanted to be a doctor. I was especially crazy about math and chemistry.
When I was preparing for the university exam, the light would stay on in my room until late; my late father would complain that I couldn’t sleep.
I covered the glass of my room door with a huge white cardboard and filled it with all the formulas related to biochemical reactions and DNA, which is my field of interest today. So I entered my first choice, Istanbul University Çapa Faculty of Medicine.

Dermatology is a very broad branch; skin findings can sometimes be a sign of systemic problems; it requires a holistic approach almost like an internist. For this reason, my branch is very suitable for me, and “the skin is the mirror of the body” has been the starting point of my philosophy. I have always loved being well-groomed, decorated, art and aesthetics; for this reason, I realized that my interest in cosmetic dermatology increased during my specialization. I trained myself especially by attending international and domestic meetings on this subject.

As soon as I finished my specialty, I first applied to Altıntepe Kızılay because it was close to my home. Although they did not advertise a job, I went to the head physician with my CV and my bulging file containing my certificates. I told him that there was no doctor working on cosmetic dermatology in their institution and that I could be useful. After a while, I started doing chemical peels, IPL treatments and anti-aging applications in addition to routine skin disease treatments. At that time, the number of dermatologists working specifically on cosmetics or anti-aging in the country was probably less than ten. Before I was even four months old, I received an offer from Transmed; a “cosmetic dermatology department and skin laboratory was being established. It was like a school and an exciting clinic. In 2004, I started working in the private sector in the field I loved, but there was another very important aspect that broadened my horizons. I grasped both the synergy and the limits of my own work with the aesthetic operations of very good plastic surgeons in their field.

What I went through in almost two years was as exhausting as it was beautiful. At the end of March 2005, one month after I gave birth to my first son, I was back at work. The feeling of motherhood, as you know, was beyond everything, but my pace was too high; I left Transmed because I could not devote the time I wanted to my family. I moved to a clinic close to my home and worked there for 5-6 months, during which time I was able to devote time to my son comfortably. In April 2006, we opened our new center on the garden floor, surrounded by greenery. Together with me, I had two experienced partners, one from the dermocosmetic product industry and the other a beauty center owner. I worked here as the sole doctor; I gained experience in management as a responsible manager as well as in the profession. In this period, I also worked on the “Metabolic Balance System” aiming to maintain the relationship between skin and body health. In this way, I treated many patients with insulin resistance with the “three meals philosophy”.

In 2010, I gave birth to my second son. After a while, my responsibilities towards my sons, my husband, my team members, my partners and my patients started to weigh me down. A structure where I could share my burden was more suitable for me, and two years later, I handed over to my partners, and in 2012, we came together with my beloved Dr. Tunç Tiryaki, a plastic surgeon, at Cellest. This was a clinic, not a beauty center, and I was not carrying the burden of management. 8 years without scalpels and with scalpels, everything about aesthetics, in synergy, pleasant, raising experience, I did not understand how it passed.

In 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, I had the opportunity to listen to myself and think about the conditions in which I could improve both my work and myself in my “specialized field”. I wanted to establish a calm and developed order where I could focus on the treatments I applied on non-surgical facelift. My husband and I also wanted to “work together”, which was our common dream. Now we work in our practice in Akmerkez Residence, in our own branches, in our own branches, with a very clear pandemic conditions and a controlled appointment system.

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